life · Mommy Blog

Color Outside The Lines

Hey! Heyy!! Heyyy!!!

There has been a lot going on in the world. So much that Aaron is taking notice of it. I have been following the silent protest of Colin Kaepernick that was started in the NFL. One day Aaron turns to me and asks me, “mom why is he kneeling and why are people upset that he is kneeling?” I had to educate him on the matter to the fullest extent. This was definitely not a conversation that I wanted to have with my son at such a young age. But I want to be the parent that is completely honest with him even if it makes me feel uncomfortable.


Within having that conversation with Aaron I had to explain to him that Colin is simply standing up for what he believes in. He is not letting the bullies change his narrative and he continued to peacefully protest what his beliefs were. This possibly could be a lot of information that a seven-year-old can handle. However, I would rather be the one educating my child about certain topics instead of hearing about it on the playground or even another adult.


Recently Nike has endorsed Colin Kaepernick as the face of Nike and has started putting up different ads including Colin and a few of the top athletes in the world. The ad made me tear up. If you haven’t watched the ad, you can watch it here. The ad is very profound and part of what is said is,  “If people say your dreams are crazy. If they laugh at what you think you can do. Good. Stay that way. Because what none believers fail to understand is that calling a dream crazy is not an insult… its a compliment. Believe in something even if it means sacrificing everything. Don’t ask if your dreams are crazy, ask if your dreams are crazy enough.” I had Aaron watch the ad that featured Lebron James, Serena Williams, athletes with one hand, athletes with no legs and he was asking, ‘how are they doing that? How is that one guy playing without a hand? How is the little boy wrestling without legs?” I had to explain to him that they practice being the best. Just because the football player doesn’t have two hands doesn’t mean he can’t play football. Just because the little boy has no legs doesn’t mean he can’t wrestle. They have hard work and determination. They dream to be the best there ever was even if they are different. They are aren’t letting their disabilities stop them from doing anything.

These people are so inspiring and they are the epitome of what it is to follow your dreams. That is something that I am trying to instill in Aaron. I want to teach him that it is okay to color outside of the lines. The athletes in the ad had been coloring outside the lines for years just so that they can make their dreams come true. I’m sure they had people telling them throughout their journeys that the couldn’t do x,y, and z. They are paving the way for other athletes. They are showing that you don’t have to be what society calls “normal” to chase after their dreams.


There will be people along the way telling him what he can and can’t do. But I will be the one by his side telling him HE CAN. I will make sure that my voice drowns out those haters that don’t want to see him succeed. I don’t want him to limit himself and only think he has to do what society tells him. Everyone’s journey won’t be the same path. Some paths will be straight, while others might include hills and detours. AND THAT IS OK! Some things can come easier to certain people, and for others, they have to work twice as hard for it. I pray that Aaron always gives 200% at everything that he puts his mind to.


Teach your children to follow their dreams and always be their number 1 supporter!

Thanks for reading! Until next time.


Donna B 🌺

life · Mommy Blog

Manifest IT!

Hey! Heyy!! Heyyy!!!

Happy Sunday everyone!

Sometimes we think we don’t have the control over what happens in life. We forget how powerful the mind and tongue is. We can manifest wonders if we put our minds to it. One way of doing this is by the law of attraction. The law of attraction is that all thoughts turn into things eventually. I recently was blessed with two opportunities that I didn’t think would ever come my way.

As a mom, my life requires a ton of sacrifice. I sacrifice so much without even thinking or realizing that I am doing it. Last month my son needed new soccer equipment for his club team. (We all know how expensive extracurricular activities can be.) I only had so much disposable income for the month so I had to put it towards his activities. There were also two events that I wanted to attend but knew that I wasn’t able to attend because I really couldn’t afford the extra expenses. Since I am so accustomed to sacrificing for my children, I just let things be as they may.

As time was passing and these events were coming closer and closer, I kept saying to myself how much I would love to go. To my surprise, one of the events hosted an Instagram giveaway for tickets to the event. A friend of mine tagged me in the post and I tagged her for our entries. I typically don’t submit to those giveaways because come on… who do you know that has actually won one them? A few days go by and I jokingly text my friend, “Hey girl! Did we win?” She responded. “I don’t think so.” In the back of my mind, I already knew it was a long shot. The next day I get a call from my friend and she tells me that we won the giveaway! I was in complete shock that we won. My friend and I went to the event and I had a blast!

Another event I wanted to go to was Beauty Con LA. I had seen a bunch of Ads on Instagram and was interested in going and having that experience. However, I was in the same predicament of if I could afford to go or not. I was already in defeat mode. I had let that ship sail. Again to my surprise, I was offered to go and my admission was taken care of. I went and had a great experience and would definitely love to go again. I know I didn’t win the lottery or anything but I was able to go to two events that I wasn’t going to be able to go to because of finances.

I didn’t realize how much power my words had. I would constantly say to myself and out loud that I wanted to go to those two events. I spoke them into existence. I am starting to understand that I have the power over my life and the things I want. YOU CAN TOO!

Here are some habits you can implement in your daily life right now to start manifesting the things you want and your energy:

1. Relax your mind

Relaxation is key! Your mind is constantly running and often doesn’t get the full rest it needs to reset itself. Meditating is proven to increase brain power.

2. Know What You Want

Knowing what you want is half the battle. Take some time to write down your dreams and goals. You are sending out your request to the universe from your thoughts. Knowing exactly what you want helps the clarity. If you don’t know what you want, the universe will be unsure and will send you unwanted results.

3. Ask the Universe

Make your request to the universe. Speak things into existence and the universe will answer. Visualize and be detailed in your vision. The more detailed the better. Take some time to think about the things you want or want to happen.

4. Write Your Wish Down

Write everything down in the present tense and tell exactly the universe what you want. Being specific about the things you want to happen will give you exactly what you want.

5. Feel It!

It all starts with you. You have to have a positive attitude on what you’re manifesting. Think of it as it has already come to pass. This is a powerful step because you are using the Law of Attraction. This is where your words start to work.

6. Show Gratitude

Be thankful for all that you have already. Once you’re in the process of asking the universe for something else, make sure you pay it forward. Paying it forward can have an even more positive effect on the great things that can come your way.

7. Trust the Process

Lastly, TRUST THE PROCESS! Patience is key. Many things will be out of your control so you must trust the process. Do not put a time limit on the things you ask the universe for. Let the universe take the wheel and remember God’s timing is everything.

Everything happens for a reason.

Thanks for reading! Until next time.


Donna B 🌺

life · Mommy Blog · Product Review

Motherhood is the Toughest Job in the World

Hey! Heyy!! Heyyy!!!

img_0493From the time I wake up to the time I go to sleep, my life is not my own. From school drop offs to diaper changes to soccer practice and dinner and bedtime, my life is consumed with being the generator that makes my family work. Motherhood is the toughest job in the world, and it is the most rewarding. However, as moms, our jobs are NEVER done!

Since I am a well oiled machine that makes everything run smoothly, I also need to make sure that I take time out for myself. Me TIME! Mommy me time is so important because we are always so busy taking care of everyone else, we tend to put ourselves on the back burner. For the most part, I am always too exhausted to even think about doing anything extra for myself – and don’t have the time to do anyway, but it is a necessity.

 You have to take care of yourself so you can take care of your family. I used to feel selfish when it came time to taking the time out for myself. I would think that this is time I am stealing away from my children. I could be doing 10 other things for them. But then I thought to myself, I deserve that time for myself.

The most important part of me time is to Pamper myself, that doesn’t mean leaving my family for a long 3 day weekend – but taking care of myself a little bit here and there everyday or every few days!

Here are three ways I pamper myself at home.  


3 Ways I Pamper Myself 


At Home Spa

Spas can be a bit expensive and not everyone can afford a monthly membership. A inexpensive way to have a spa experience is to create one at home using things you already have. The best part about this is that you don’t have to make an appointment in your own home. What I like to do is light some candles, turn off the lights and take a nice bubble bath. I will put on one of my Vitamasques Gold Collection Masks, turn on some relaxing music, and have a glass of wine and RELAX. It is a perfect way to pamper yourself with things you more than likely have at home.

Skip The Pricey Manicure & Pedicure

We all know how expensive going to the nail salon can get, especially when you add on the extras. When you think about how much you spend at salons yearly, you will rethink those trips. I may not be a licensed manicurist, but I have been to the nail salon plenty of times to know how to give myself a decent mani or pedi. I know we have all been bamboozled into the hand and foot masks at the salon, so instead of paying the extra money I like to apply my Vitamasques Peaches & Honey Hand Mask, and Apple & Mint Foot Mask.

Pamper Your Mind

Many times when we think pamper yourself, we forget about our minds. Everyone likes to pamper their minds differently and decompress from their day.

Some ways to wind down your brain are to:

  • Put on some comfy clothes and read, if books aren’t your thing, pick up a magazine, and or catch up on your favorite blog
  • Curl up on the couch and watch some TV
  • Meditate
  • Consider some long term and short term goals
  • Practice self love
  • REST

No matter how busy life gets, there’s always time for a little pampering. You matter so make sure you love and take care of yourself!

Thanks for reading!

Until next time!


Donna B 🌺

life · Mommy Blog

Know Your Worth

Hey! Heyy! Heyyy!!!

Happy Wednesday!

Most people typically all know how much the local gas prices are, or the price of a gallon of milk; but do we know our own self-worth?

Self-worth is pretty much the same as self-esteem. Both are measured and built upon sources outside yourself and it is out of your control. Self-esteem is your thoughts and feelings that you experience in each moment and those thoughts and feelings have a direct impact on your behavior and performance. Self-worth is an internal state of being that comes from self-understanding, self-love, and self-acceptance.

Me personally, I have struggled with being able to know my own worth. I compare my life with those I see around me and what I see on social media. By doing that, I have this unrealistic outlook on how my life should and how I am failing. I am creating a toxic life by comparing what I don’t have and what others do have.

“Love yourself first and everything else falls into line.”

Over the course of starting my blog, I have been in the process of beginning to know my own self-worth. I have been getting to know myself on a more profound level. Instead, of allowing myself to be defined by those outside forces, including people’s opinions and input, I am not allowing those people shake my confidence. I am not allowing those influences determine how I feel about ME!

One thing I have learned is to accept the good, the bad, and the ugly. I always have to forgive myself because Jesus did not have a twin. I can make mistakes and fail because I can learn from them and acknowledge my flaws. I also have stepped up and started to forgive myself and accept myself unconditionally without judgment or excuses.

Being able to fully accept myself, I am able to acknowledge my true value. I am able to practice self-love and accept all my flaws and not allow them to limit myself.  I am able to find happiness within myself. This has been a process for me. It has also been a growing and teaching experience. I am thankful for learning how to value myself so that I can teach my children to do the same.

“Know your worth. Then add tax!”

Thank you so much for reading! Until next time!


-Donna B

P.S. Check out my YouTube channel! Subscribe!!!

life · Mommy Blog

The right kind of “No”

Hey! Heyy!! Heyyy!

Happy Wednesday!!!!

It’s human nature to want to be perfect, but in the reality that we live in, there’s no such thing as perfect. In life, we strive to set goals and accomplish them. In order to accomplish said goals there involves planning and decision making. So with that being said, have you ever been told no and felt like it was the end of the world? Have you ever been told yes and it was not the best yes or the yes you really wanted? If you answered “yes” to either of those questions, then you have not been getting the right kind of yes’ and no’s. When someone tells you,”no”, it can be a major blessing in disguise.



I recently have been wanting to do things that were not of my nature. For example, for years I have been told by countless friends and family that I should model. When would I be told that I would think to myself… me… model? I was always that girl who somewhat likes to take pictures, but I didn’t love taking them. I am a girl who will throw on some leggings and a hoodie in a heartbeat with no makeup and a struggle bun and be ok for the day. But since I had heard from a number of people that I should model I said what the heck and stepped outside my comfort zone. On my birthday I took some pictures, took some measurements, did some research, and submitted myself to local modeling agencies.




I did it. I did something I never thought I would be comfortable doing. I knew that in a way I was setting myself up to have the door slammed in my face. I was setting myself up for some of my insecurities to outshine me.

Since I have never modeled a day in my life, I started doing more research on how many women have successfully become models. Plus size models at that. I am not a size 0 so I know that I am not what most brands are looking for. I am however what the average woman in America looks like so why not see if I have what it takes.

Weeks have gone by since I sought out to start a new journey in my life and to my surprise, I was sent a direct message on Instagram. A modeling agency reached out to me to inquire about seeing if I was interested in being represented by them. I was so excited that I was being contacted by an agency for representation. I was more than excited, I was  ECSTATIC. I emailed the person who asked for all of my information; height, weight, eye color, hair color, the whole 9 yards. I so graciously send off my information and anxiously await the response. But it wasn’t the response that I was waiting for. I was politely informed that although the agency “loved my look” I didn’t meet the height requirement for their “curve” department. And at that moment I was crushed. It took a two-line email to bring me down from my happiness to one of the lowest I have ever felt. Instead of sulking because  I didn’t meet the requirement, I said: “Hallelujah anyhow”.

Even though I was so excited about this new opportunity, I know that this wasn’t for me.

“The right kind of no is better than the wrong kind of yes”.


Nobody wants to fail or be told no. But what we fail to realize that no matter how prepared you are or think that you are destined to do or achieve something that’s for you in FOR YOU. And what is meant to be is meant to be. Being told no does not mean that you can’t do something, it just means that is not the way God intended for it to happen for you. Even though the feeling of rejection can be heartbreaking or make you feel low, the rejection can be used as motivation to get that right kind of yes. Rejection can also be a deceptive acceptance. The right kind of no can reposition you for a tremendous yes that can lead to great things in your life.


Thank you so much for reading! And until next time!


-Donna B


P.S. Get your Mommy Mode T-shirt today! ANDDDD Check out my youtube channel! Subscribe!!!

Baby · life · Mommy Blog

Fourth Times The Charm

Hey! Heyy!! Heyyy!!!

Happy Wednesday everyone! I hope everyone had a great Easter.

The great thing about social media is that you can meet new people from different parts of the world. I have met plenty of women on Instagram who has the same motherhood struggles, same interest, etc. I reached out to my followers to see if anyone would be interested in being a guest blogger. To my surprise, I received some feedback. I have connected with some very empowering women and would love to share some of what they have to say.

I am very excited to introduce you all to my first guest blogger, Lauren Taylor! I hope you all enjoy her post!

*I have three children. I work full time, volunteer at our church, my husband is an entrepreneur, we have two dogs, my husband is a volunteer firefighter and I am a (sometimes) PTA member, and I want another baby.

How crazy is that?! I am quite possibly insane. Because I mean come on, after I listed some of my activities above; how could any person, especially a person who falls into bed at the end of each day dreaming about a two-week vacation, could possibly want to throw another tiny human into this mix?

So, let me explain myself. First, lets back up a few weeks. I sit down to write this piece about how my spring break as a working mom was with my children. Immediately all of the obvious roadblocks like returning to work and kids activities started hijacking a timely completion and I just could not get it going! My words were just not manifesting what I wanted to say. Mainly because we had a really boring, but great, spring break. We went to the zoo, did dentist appointments, played at the park with friends. There were lots of giggles and sticky kisses, but that was it. Those last couple of sentences would’ve been my entire blog. I didn’t feel that a piece like that would move anyone, heck it didn’t even move me. I needed to unpack what has been awakened in my mind since 2018 started.

OK so now let’s do some more backing up. I bring you to April 2016. Our daughter who was also our third child was a preemie about six weeks old and I was D O N E. I called my mom crying, actually more like wailing, and I just told her I couldn’t do this. This joy of motherhood had lost its luster in about a six-week time frame. I was completely overwhelmed with a six-year-old, 20-month-old, and this infant. In the middle of all of this, we had just bought our first house and were in the process of moving in. I suffered from a very intense case of post-partum anxiety, that took over my body so physically my jaw would throb from being incredibly tense. It was also at that point that my husband started talking about a fourth baby. Now before we all villainize my husband, he is an epic pregnant husband. He is so wonderful while I’m pregnant, I truly feel like he should write a book on how it’s done. To make additional money, I might think about renting him out for the first two weeks a baby is born because he truly shines. But then around the six-week mark, he’s back to regular husband mode where he says things that are so ridiculous, it baffles me that he approved that message before it passed through his lips. So, in April of 2016, he felt compelled to start petitioning me for another baby. As a result, I went into survival mode.

For almost two years, I would tell anyone who would listen that I was done having children. The sweet old ladies who commented on my little brood would be met with a sweetly awkward rebuttal of “Oh thank you so much, I am not having any more.” Trust me, I do awkward very well just ask my sister. It was like I convinced myself that it would put it out into the universe, then the reality of deep down wanting another baby would never come to light and I would be safe. But when you are running from something it is so important to know the why and reckon with it in your heart.

My reasons can be broken down into three easy sections. The first, in no particular order, is vanity. I wanted my body back. Which is a tried and true saying for many moms out there. I was able to “bounce back” after our first baby was born. I was 23 and still had all of the healthy habits of college. Plus, I only had one to look after and our second son wasn’t born for another four years. Plenty of time to stay in a size small. But having our daughter within 20 months of the second, my body has stayed squishy long than I have intended. Any size smaller than a larger at this point is laughable.

Second, is my health. I have had three C-sections already and an appendectomy during my second pregnancy, so a fourth incision isn’t ideal. My doctors have assured me that while another baby is doable, I need to definitely take a much time for my body to fully reset and potentially take some uterine lining thickening meds. I will say that this reason is the one I relied on the heaviest. Why? Because it’s the scariest one and the easiest one to use. “Why aren’t you having any more children?” “Because my doctor says that I should be done.” Most people in Target or on Facebook are not going to argue that logic with you.  I could use it as a cloaking mechanism to hid behind. Could a fourth pregnancy be risky? Yes. Has my doctor said that it is completely out of the question? No.

My last category is the worry. I am a classic worry wart. When I was younger my dad would give me books on overcoming fear because it was very difficult for me. I was lead by what people thought about me and if I would fail. And in this looming fourth baby situation, it’s no different. I worry what society is going to think of me. Four kids like an astronomical amount nowadays. I mean its basically a zany TLC reality show waiting to happen. I worry about what my family is going to think of me. I worry how money is going to work out. I worry about what shopping will look like with a fourth baby mom body. I worry if I’ll have enough love to spread. I worry what my employer will think about me. Basically, worry, worry, worry. There are some days that are better than others when it comes to this. And I will tell you that lots of prayer, honest communication with my husband and therapist help me stay in a place where worry doesn’t drown me.

Now enough of living in the past let’s jump to the present-ish. January 2018, we had just come off of an epic holiday season as a family. We do not live close to any relatives so from October 31st – January 1st we really embrace and embellish the season for our kids as our own tradition. I had taken a good amount of time off of work to be with my family and just soak up all of the loving energy they give off. I was getting ready for us to get back to our normal routine and going through the house frantically trying to clean up when I noticed a different sense come over me. It was like my mind’s eye or my soul started looking for my fourth child. I just saw our three crazies running around and half expected for another one to be teetering after them. I brushed aside the feeling chalking it up it to the residuals thoughts that linger from being on Facebook too long and seeing everyone’s life play out through filtered pictures. But then the baby dreams started. Followed by this constant feeling of the milk letdown when you’re nursing. Seeing our daughter playing mama and being obsessed with babies is softening my heart to know that she’ll be okay giving up the baby spot. Our seven-year-old’s teacher sent me an email, out of the blue, telling me she had a dream the night before that I was pregnant with another baby girl. These waves of emotions brought to life a seed I thought I had done a stellar job of burying. But that’s the funny thing about seeds, you never know when they will begin to sprout roots and grow.

I have no idea what the future holds. I know that I am completely open to welcoming a beautiful little seedling into our home. I know I am more honest with myself about what I want truly want out of life. I mean I just want another baby, what is so wrong with that? I also know that I don’t want to wrap my story up with a cheesy don’t listen to others but do whatever makes you feel happy line. What I will say is learn yourself and don’t shortchange yourself on what you want out of life; whether it be baby one, two, five or six. Go in grace and your outcome will be beautiful.

life · Mommy Blog

Overcoming Bad Days

Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase. – Martin Luther King

I know I’m not alone when it comes to bad days. And boy did I have a BAD day this week. This day was so bad to the point I honestly thought I wasn’t going to make it. It seemed like the domino effect was almost endless for me.

I don’t have a very good way of dealing with chaos and stress. Not having an effective plan to deal with anxiety and stress causes me to just break down. I break down to the point where I physically make myself sick. I don’t like it. I feel helpless and I also feel defeated. One thing is inevitable. I can’t control life. What I can control is how I decide to handle the curve balls that life throws at me.

When life hits me hard, I will hit back harder. With all that said I obviously am here writing this blog. Which means I made it through that rough day. I know it won’t be my last rough or bad day but I know that no matter how hard those days can be I know I can make it. A snowball doesn’t have to turn into an avalanche. We all have those days. Some more than others, but just know that one way or another, you will make it. Just don’t give up.

Here is some advice is to overcome those bad days…

Step 1: Take a deep breath.

Step 2: Assess all the bad things going wrong.

Step 3: Change what you can.

Step 4: Roll with the punches.

Step 5: Accept that today just may not be your day.

Pain is evitable. Suffering is optional. – M. Kathleen Casey

Thanks for reading! Until next time!


Donna B 

P.S. head over and check out my YouTube channel and don’t forget to subscribe!

Baby · life · Mommy Blog




Have you ever felt like you have just been off? Like life is just going the opposite way of traffic. I have had this feeling for a while now. I had it set in my mind at a young age that I was going to have it all. Married with kids. Owning my own home. A business degree and my own startup company. Be a soccer mom. Be that supermom, Etc. That mindset I had was quickly brought back to reality real quick as I started taking the time to reflect on my life.


Recently I have been feeling like what is going on with my life. Why do I feel the way I feel? Why have I lost my aspirations in life? Then the lightbulb set off! BALANCE! My life is so off balance. I need to level it out. There is an uneven distribution of weight that is enabling my life to be thrown off. I am not in the upright position.

The first step to solving an issue is to assess the damage/ problem. My problem seems to be time and motivation. I have been lacking the time management skills I know I have to keep that part of my life balanced. I have been missing the motivation to go the extra mile. I am deciding to change that TODAY. I have two little humans that I need to set great examples for. My children are a reflection of me and what I teach them. I know if I was complacent with being lazy, I would hate myself later in life because I gave them those traits and attributes.


I would like to live a well-balanced life with my; health, family, financial, intellectual, social, work, spiritual, recreation, personal growth, romance and so much more. In order to have this balance, here is what I am doing to help find my balance. 🙂

  1. Focus on your priorities.
  2. Get organized. 
  3. Be flexible. 
  4. Create daily routines.
  5. Establish support networks. 
  6. Simplify your life. 

Finally, I thought can I do this? Can I have it all? The answer is ABSOLUTELY. Why wouldn’t I be able to? Finding the balance is not only important for me, but for my family as well to be successful. There will be times when I may feel like my world is out of control and I can’t do anything but ride that wave and fix the damage as I go.

Thanks for reading! Until next time!


Donna B 🌺

P.S. head over and check out my YouTube channel! 🙂