life · Mommy Blog

Color Outside The Lines

Hey! Heyy!! Heyyy!!!

There has been a lot going on in the world. So much that Aaron is taking notice of it. I have been following the silent protest of Colin Kaepernick that was started in the NFL. One day Aaron turns to me and asks me, “mom why is he kneeling and why are people upset that he is kneeling?” I had to educate him on the matter to the fullest extent. This was definitely not a conversation that I wanted to have with my son at such a young age. But I want to be the parent that is completely honest with him even if it makes me feel uncomfortable.


Within having that conversation with Aaron I had to explain to him that Colin is simply standing up for what he believes in. He is not letting the bullies change his narrative and he continued to peacefully protest what his beliefs were. This possibly could be a lot of information that a seven-year-old can handle. However, I would rather be the one educating my child about certain topics instead of hearing about it on the playground or even another adult.


Recently Nike has endorsed Colin Kaepernick as the face of Nike and has started putting up different ads including Colin and a few of the top athletes in the world. The ad made me tear up. If you haven’t watched the ad, you can watch it here. The ad is very profound and part of what is said is,  “If people say your dreams are crazy. If they laugh at what you think you can do. Good. Stay that way. Because what none believers fail to understand is that calling a dream crazy is not an insult… its a compliment. Believe in something even if it means sacrificing everything. Don’t ask if your dreams are crazy, ask if your dreams are crazy enough.” I had Aaron watch the ad that featured Lebron James, Serena Williams, athletes with one hand, athletes with no legs and he was asking, ‘how are they doing that? How is that one guy playing without a hand? How is the little boy wrestling without legs?” I had to explain to him that they practice being the best. Just because the football player doesn’t have two hands doesn’t mean he can’t play football. Just because the little boy has no legs doesn’t mean he can’t wrestle. They have hard work and determination. They dream to be the best there ever was even if they are different. They are aren’t letting their disabilities stop them from doing anything.

These people are so inspiring and they are the epitome of what it is to follow your dreams. That is something that I am trying to instill in Aaron. I want to teach him that it is okay to color outside of the lines. The athletes in the ad had been coloring outside the lines for years just so that they can make their dreams come true. I’m sure they had people telling them throughout their journeys that the couldn’t do x,y, and z. They are paving the way for other athletes. They are showing that you don’t have to be what society calls “normal” to chase after their dreams.


There will be people along the way telling him what he can and can’t do. But I will be the one by his side telling him HE CAN. I will make sure that my voice drowns out those haters that don’t want to see him succeed. I don’t want him to limit himself and only think he has to do what society tells him. Everyone’s journey won’t be the same path. Some paths will be straight, while others might include hills and detours. AND THAT IS OK! Some things can come easier to certain people, and for others, they have to work twice as hard for it. I pray that Aaron always gives 200% at everything that he puts his mind to.


Teach your children to follow their dreams and always be their number 1 supporter!

Thanks for reading! Until next time.


Donna B 🌺

Mommy Blog


Hey! Heyy!! Heyyy!!!

The other day I was leaving the park and out of nowhere I heard, “OMG will you please just give me like two seconds!?” And I just so happened to run into this woman who was taking her kids out of the car as I was putting mine in the car. She turns to me and says, “I’m not yelling at you, I am just yelling at my kids.” I laugh and tell her I understand, sometimes you just have to yell and get it out. Now I know what some of you are thinking… you shouldn’t yell at your kids. But I think that why not? They constantly yell at us for things when their hungry, sleepy, etc.


I can’t tell you how many times I felt so frustrated that my kids won’t just chill out and have had to raise my voice while out in public. I know whoever is around me at that time is shaming me as a mother. Trying to get my son to stop crying about a toy I won’t buy and people are staring. Or the feeling of shame about breastfeeding in public. That list can go on and on.


We are constantly being shamed when it comes to us being selfish. For example, wanting to do simple things that don’t involve our children such as a quick trip to Target or go and binge on Yogurtland. These are simple things, but they are simple things that I would like to enjoy alone. No matter what, there are people around us constantly judging the things we do and the decisions we make. The problem is we care so much about what people in our lives have to say about us. And for some reason, we desperately care how those on social media see us even more. How is it that we care what a total stranger that has no knowledge of our lives other than the things we show them. We try and portray a “perfect” life that we all know doesn’t exist.


I started to think… why should I care when I am out in public that people are staring because my kids are crying? They are kids and they are going to cry. They have feelings just like the rest of us, they just don’t know how to control those feelings as we do. Why do I care if someone has something negative to say about me when I want to have something for myself? I am entitled to it!


Another thing I am shameless about is standing up for myself and my kids. I have no shame in making sure that they are protected and in no kind of harm’s way. If you follow me on social media, I share my experiences with Aaron doing background work. He has been doing this for about a year and he enjoys it for the most part. It has its fun time and it also has its irritating times. The last time we went to set, we had a horrible experience. Out of all the times, we have never had an issue like this on set. By law children who are working in the tv and film industry have to be schooled on set for at least 3 hours. They accommodate the set with set teachers that are supposed to be advocates for the children working. This one particular teacher was not the nicest or respectful and I sensed that Aaron did not feel safe around her. I had to step up and speak up to ensure that my child was safe. This woman was not only a problem for me, but for other parents and children who were working that day. Let’s just say when it comes to my kids I DON’T PLAY! I had to voice to this woman that she was rude, disrespectful, and had a bad attitude all day.

I am also my child’s number one fan and advocate. I felt as though her supervisor needed to be informed about her behavior, so I called and wrote an email to inform someone that my experience with one of their employees was horrible.


The 19-year-old mother that I was years ago probably wouldn’t have spoken up or said anything. But now… I am now SHAMELESS! I am always in mommy mode. I’m not perfect and I know I will make mistakes along the way. There is no reason to allow people to shame me just because I am choosing to live MY LIFE and raise my children the way I want. Don’t be that person that shames the mom just because she’s having a bad day. Instead, lift her up and let her know it will get better.

Thanks for reading! Until next time.


Donna B 🌺

Mommy Blog · Product Review


Hey! Heyy!! Heyyy!!!

Happy Wednesday everyone! Is it just me or is there a subscription box for pretty much everything? I don’t know about you , but I love it! Over the summer I noticed that Parker loves books. I would sit her by some toys and books and she would spend most of her time turning the pages of the books and enjoy looking at all the colorful pictures. When I would try and get her to sit and watch something with Aaron, she would much rather look at her books.


I spend plenty of time on Instagram and follow many mommy bloggers. One day as I was scrolling on my time line I came across this mom who was promoting a subscription box to Bookroo. I was so intrigued by this subscription, because I knew this was something that I could use for both my kids!


BookRoo is a subscription box of books that you can choose age-appropriate books that come monthly via mail! You have the option of choosing 3 board books (ages 0-3), 2 picture books (ages 2-6), and 2 chapter books (ages 7-10). All books come beautifully wrapped and a note pertaining to what books have been sent. This helps promote the fun and excitement that can come from reading. Also, the books you receive are unique. You can also gift a subscription BookRoo box!

BookRoo’s mission statement is ,” Our mission is to enable and empower parents to build their children’s book collections in an affordable and exciting way through curated monthly book deliveries. We believe in the power and impact of the written word in the life of a child, and believe it’s never too early to start reading to children!” When I was growing up I didn’t really love reading, but now that I am a parent, I want to show my children how important it is to read and enrich your mind.

Things I love about BookRoo’s subscription box:

  • Convience
  • The books are yours to keep
  • No hassle of going to the library
  • No worries of losing a library book and or damaging it
  • All books are age appropriate and hand picked for you
  • The subscription box is like an unexpected present for your children


How does BookRoo work?

  1. Choose your book type and or age board books (ages 0-3),  picture books (ages 2-6),  or chapter books (ages 7-10)
  2. Choose your subscription of 1, 3, 6, or 12 months
  3. Input your payment and shipping information
  4. Enjoy your subscription


Looking for a great deal?

I’m excited to share BookRoo with you! Choose any multi-month subscription and receive 15% off using coupon code MYMOMMYMODE

Thanks for reading! Until next time.


Donna B 🌺